Solo Travellers – Things You Can Learn When Travelling On Your Own

solo travellerAsk anyone who has travelled on their own and they would say totally loved it. It might be daunting at first, but the process is simply adventurous and the most rewarding experience you can give yourself.

Here are some things you can learn when travelling on your own:

Solo travellers are more approachable

Ever noticed that it is more likely for people to talk to you when you are on your own than when you are in a group? Yes, solo travellers are more approachable. Lone travellers feel more comfortable in introducing themselves and it is easier to make a conversation with others too.

Engage with locals that only solo travellers can do

Local folks are more open and more curious when they find solo travellers. When it is only you walking into that café or tasting that food on that roadside food stall. From a sudden conversion on that train ride to having a whole family hosting you for a night. You may be able to experience these as you become friends with the locals.

You are free to have your own adventure

There is no need to think of other people when you travel on your own. No need to please your friend or your family as they complain about the overpriced food or the mosquito bites. As a solo traveller, you will be able to do whatever you want, whenever you want it.

Gaining a deep understanding of your destination

As you travel on your own, you will be more immersed in your surroundings. You will notice the subtle character of the place than if you are with someone where you will be chatting the day away instead of seeing what the place can offer.